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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Healing refugee trauma. Rebuilding Lives.

STARTTS is a specialist, not-for-profit organisation that was established in 1988. It provides culturally relevant psychological treatment and support, and community interventions, to help people and communities heal the scars of torture and refugee trauma and rebuild their lives in Australia. STARTTS also fosters a positive recovery environment through the provision of training to services, advocacy and policy work.

years experience

people assisted

countries of origin

This animated video series has been developed for parents and caregivers from refugee communities and features 6 short, animated videos exploring the importance of play, joy and attachment for healthy development. It is available in 13 community languages.

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Refugee Transitions - Issue 38 (July 2024)_Cover

Refugee Transitions

STARTTS’ free magazine reports on a broad range of human rights issues, focusing attention on the impact of organised violence on health.

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