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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

STARTTS 25th Anniversary

2013 was a very special year for STARTTS as we celebrated 25 years of providing services to torture and trauma survivors. Thank you to everyone – all our staff, supporters, partners and most importantly our clients – for making our 25th year so amazing.

In 2013 STARTTS has grown considerably to meet the needs of trauma survivors, with many new staff coming on board across all our Sydney and regional offices. We have continued to lead the way in new approaches to trauma and the brain, in training, in community development and more. Our 25th year was so special because it showed how far we have come.

We marked our Anniversary in many ways, but most importantly with a huge event in Fairfield, where 800 people gathered to help us celebrate our milestone. Guided by our MC, SBS’s Anton Enus, STARTTS staff together with The NSW Governor Prof. Marie Bashir, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, NSW Mental Health Commissioner John Feneley and Dr Jose Quiroga, spoke to the crowd of how far we have come, all that we have achieved and the challenges yet to be faced.

25 years, and one great day to remember!

The 25th Anniversary event was an incredible celebration of the contribution that STARTTS has made over the past quarter century. We were joined by friends, supporters, clients and staff, many of whom have been with us since day one. Have a look at what happened.

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Photos 1-19 Carly Earl, photos 20-49 Melvyn Knipe, photos 50-55 Kevin Vo

Client Stories

We made a particular effort this year to record the voices of our clients, and it was a humbling experience to hear how much impact STARTTS has had on people’s lives. Here are just some of the stories that we heard and that we have tried to tell – through video, interviews and photographs.

Click Image To Client Portrait Panels

Click on portraits to view larger version and read their story. Photos: David Maurice Smith

Speech delivered at STARTTS 25th Anniversary celebrations

By Jorge Aroche, Chief Executive Officer, STARTTS

“The real results of our work can be best seen in your thriving families, in the contribution you make day by day to our society, and in the certainty of a brighter future that can be seen in the faces of your children. To help bring this about has been STARTTS’ mission for the last 25 years and will continue to be so with you as our main source of inspiration.”

Read Speech

Click Image To View STARTTS Data Visualisation

We also wanted to inform our supporters in interesting and engaging ways about what we do, and to do that we have produced some infographics and pictorial representations of our work, all of which were displayed on the day.

Click panel to view larger versions.
Download hi-resolution PDF’s here: Panel 1, Panel 2, Panel 3, Panel 4 and Panel 5

STARTTS Highlights

Click panel to view larger versions.

25th Anniversary edition of Refugee Transitions.

Refugee Transitions exists to report on a wide range of refugee and human rights issues of relevance to the work of STARTTS; to focus attention on the impact of organised violence and human rights abuses on health; to provide ideas on intervention models that address the health and social needs of refugees, to debate and campaign for changes necessary to assist refugee communities in their settlement process and ultimately bring together a vehicle for personal expression.

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Thank you to all our supporters, who have made the last 25 years possible, and to our clients, who continue to teach us so much about courage, hope and resilience.

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