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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Oula’s Story

STARTTS Intake Counsellor Oula Nader: a remarkable tale of success...

Women of Fairfield

Women of Fairfield has been nominated for an FBI SMAC award, in the Best Arts Program ...

STARTTS star shines at award night

STARTTS is proud to  congratulate our staff member on her nomination for  the 2016 Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Individual Award...read more

Statement regarding people transferred by Australia to Papua New Guinea & Nauru -September 2016

STARTTS fully supports the call by Paris Aristotle, CEO of The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture , for a swift and humane settlement policy for asylum seekers transferred to Papua New Guinea and Nauru.

STARTTS stands with Mr Aristotle in his calls for the government to act to restore hope and to act in the best interest of those living with uncertainly and hopelessness.

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