Sexual violence is a harrowing…
SAVE THE DATE: 2021 Refugee Ball – CEO Message and Invitation
Dear friends and supporters,
It is a great pleasure for me to reconnect with you as a valued supporter of the work of STARTTS. I take this opportunity to thank all our supporters and friends who have contributed to the Refugee Ball over the years in support of many programs assisting refugees in NSW.
I am delighted to bring you news that the Refugee Ball will return in 2021 as a face to face event at a new venue in Doltone House, located at Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont offering spectacular views of Sydney Harbour and the city skyline.
I am very pleased that despite the extraordinary circumstances of COVID-19 in 2020 we were able to hold a virtual Refugee Ball late last year. Staging a virtual event allowed us to raise much needed funds to assist a NSW-based initiative for young people, by young people; the South Sudanese Youth Ambassador Program, and towards torture and trauma centres most affected by this crisis via the IRCT, our global umbrella body for torture and trauma services.
As we are now turning the corner in the pandemic with a vaccine being delivered over the course of 2021, we we look forward to the opportunity to come together in celebration of the work of STARTTS, reengaging with the multicultural and community services sector in Australia in support of refugees as once we were able before the advent of COVID-19.
I can’t tell you how much I look forward to the prospect of returning to our traditional evening of world-class entertainment, dancing and networking at our 2021 Refugee Ball, with all the warmth and connection that only human contact can provide.
I warmly invite you to help us continue this tradition into the future and increase the impact of this important event to help heal refugee trauma, fight against torture and promote respect for human rights.
Please save the date in your calendars, Friday 5 November 2021, and register your interest for early bird tickets at the link below. We look forward to bringing you more exciting announcements soon!
I wish you all good health with confidence that we will have much better times in the year ahead.
All the Best,
Jorge Aroche