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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

STARTTS Statement on Recent Tragic Incidents in Sydney

STARTTS’ board and staff would like to express our deepest sympathies and condolences to those affected by the tragic events that took place on Saturday 13th April at Bondi Junction Shopping Centre, resulting in the death of several people and the wounding of many others, including a member of a refugee community. We would also like to extend this sentiment to those affected by the violent attack which took place on Monday 15th April at Wakeley Assyrian Orthodox Church. 

We are mindful of the impact of these events on the broader community and lend our voice to the call for harmony and unity. STARTTS will continue to work proactively with our many partners to strengthen the fabric of our beautifully diverse NSW community.  

As a service specialising in dealing with the impact of refugee trauma, we are particularly concerned about how these incidents taking place in Sydney could affect people, particularly those closely connected to these events and those with a previous history of exposure to violence in the context of a refugee experience.  

There is distressing and often graphic reporting and imagery across traditional and social media at this time, and we urge people to consume media with care, mindful that this content can be triggering or traumatising for people affected and for those with experiences of trauma. We encourage parents and caregivers to be aware of what media and imagery children may be exposed to. 

STARTTS suite of services and our Witness to War program are available to anyone who has been impacted by these events.  

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