Head office
Street address
152–168 The Horsley Drive
Carramar NSW 2163
Phone: (02) 9646 6700
Fax: (02) 9646 6710
Email: stts-startts@health.nsw.gov.au.
Click here for more information about referring a client to STARTTS
Postal address
PO Box 203
Fairfield NSW 2165
Access to Client Information, Subpoenas and Summons
Ask for the Health Information Release & Support Officer
Email: stts-HealthInformationService@health.nsw.gov.au
In person: 152-168 The Horsley Drive, Carramar, NSW 2163
By post: Health Information Services, PO Box 203, Fairfield NSW 2165
Head office map
Branch offices
Street and postal address
Level 2, Suite 203/204
25 Smart Street
Fairfield NSW 2165
Phone: (02) 9646 6555
Fax: (02) 9728 1821
Fairfield Office Map
Street and postal address
1st Floor, 44 – 50 Auburn Road
Auburn NSW 2144
Phone: (02) 9646 6666
Fax: (02) 9646 6610
Auburn Office Map
Street and postal address
3rd Floor, 157 – 161 George Street
Liverpool NSW 2170
Phone: (02) 8778 2000
Fax: (02) 8778 2020
Liverpool Office Map
Street address
Suite 2, Ground Floor,
85 Flushcombe Rd
Blacktown NSW 2148
Phone: (02) 9854 7300
Postal address
PO Box 203
Fairfield NSW 2165
Blacktown Office Map
Coffs Harbour
Street address
14 Earl Street
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Phone: (02) 6650 9195
Postal Address
PO Box 2049
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Coffs Harbour Office Map
Street address
Unit 2E, 54 Clyde Street,
Hamilton North, NSW 2292
Phone: (02) 8529 8700
Phone: (02) 9646 6700
(counselling, community development)
Newcastle Office Map
Wagga Wagga
Street address
99 Peter St
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Phone: (02) 8376 4780
Wagga Wagga Office Map
Street address
31 Auburn St
Wollongong NSW 2500
Phone: (02) 9057 7380
Wollongong Office Map
Street address
129 Markham St
Armidale NSW 2350
Phone: (02) 9057 7390
Armidale Office Map
STARTTS also provides outreach services in a range of locations across the Sydney metropolitan area and regional NSW. Please contact the Carramar office for outreach locations.