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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors


STARTTS is committed to using research as a tool to explore, investigate and expand knowledge on the specific needs of people from refugee backgrounds. Informed by a biopsychosocial model, our research serves several important functions for the organisation and broader community.

These functions include:

  • To ensure that our work is evidence-based and at the forefront of the refugee trauma treatment field;
  • To build and strengthen research collaborations with refugee communities, schools and universities, and other service providers;
  • To provide valuable information to other professionals
  • To raise awareness within the general public of the difficulties and obstacles faced by people from refugee backgrounds.

Research priority areas

Any research conducted at STARTTS must demonstrate an expected benefit to the health and wellbeing of our clients and their communities. It must be culturally appropriate, trauma-aware and conducted in a systematic and rigorous manner.

STARTTS’ research priority areas include projects that investigate client trajectories and service engagement, treatment modalities and assessment measures, and research that demonstrates potential benefits to particularly vulnerable, under-researched, and special needs groups of clients.

It is recommended that researchers wishing to collaborate with STARTTS contact our Research Team ( to discuss how their work could contribute to these priority areas.


In addition to research, STARTTS conducts extensive internal evaluations of its projects and activities. Further information about our evaluations can be found here.

STARTTS initiated research projects


Examines neurofeedback treatment outcomes related to changes in focus and attention in refugee children and young people using the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA).

STARTTS, Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry (Denmark), Lund University (Sweden), Psychiatry Research and Teaching Unit (UNSW).

An international collaboration to develop a new refugee self-report questionnaire to screen for common mental health symptoms and psychosocial issues experienced by refugees, and assess change over the course of treatment.

STARTTS, Western Sydney University.

A longitudinal study examining somatic symptoms among Temporary Visa holders, the relationship between pain and trauma, and the role of the health professional in managing these symptoms.


Aims to support clinical assessment by developing (i) an Early Childhood Picture Cards screening tool for use in focus groups and individual clinical assessment; and (ii) a new Early Childhood questionnaire suitable for identifying clients in need of STARTTS’ services.

STARTTS, Auckland University of Technology, Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (Western Australia), Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry (Denmark), Psychiatry Research and Teaching Unit (UNSW), Refugees as Survivors New Zealand.

An international research project comparing MultiCASI and pen and paper versions of the standardised Hopkins Symptom Checklist.

STARTTS, University of Sydney

A pilot study examining the effectiveness of neurofeedback treatment for traumatised refugees with high levels of post-traumatic stress using objective and subjective measures.

STARTTS, Australian College of Applied Psychology, Mensia Technologies, (France), Seoul University, University of New England.

Compares ERP and qEEG data from STARTTS’ clients to healthy control data.

Collaborative research projects

STARTTS, University of Technology Sydney.

A randomised control trial comparing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Acupuncture and the combination of both therapies for symptoms of PTSD and depression

Psychiatry Research and Teaching Unit (UNSW), STARTTS.

A qualitative investigation of the Sri Lankan Tamil refugee community that aims to refine a model based on attachment theory of the transmission of inter-generational trauma in refugee families. This project is supported in part by a Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Psychotherapy Research Gran

Intellectual Disability Behaviour Support Program (UNSW), STARTTS, Black Dog Institute, the Child and Parenting Support Program at SDN Children’s Services, Community Paediatrics at South Western Sydney Local Health District, Live Without Barriers, NSW Refugee Health, Settlement Services International, the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network Children’s Refugee Service, Transcultural Mental Health.

This project is using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods to identify the enablers, challenges and difficulties for young people with a disability who come from a refugee background, along with their families and carers, and the services that support them. It is supported in part by a grant from South Western Sydney Research.

Forced Migration Research Network (UNSW), AMES Victoria, Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma, STARTTS, Townsville Multicultural Support Group.

Explores refugee community beliefs about human rights using a reciprocal research method. This project is supported by an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant.

Refugee Trauma and Recovering Program (UNSW), STARTTS.

Includes a comparison of the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) results of torture survivors and other STARTTS clients, and an fMRI study examining how refugee trauma might affect social and attachment neural processes.

STARTTS, Phoenix Australia Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (Victoria), St John of God Hospital, Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture.

A longitudinal study to examine the psychological and social trajectories of refugees and asylum seekers receiving specialist torture and trauma support services in Australia, and to identify predictors of poor outcomes.

A collaborative study between STARTTS and Wollongong University’s Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health.

A collaborative study between STARTTS Research and CS-Youth teams, with the UNSW fEEL Lab Scientia.

Collaborative writing project between STARTTS Research, Deakin University and UNSW; project: “Family Support Interventions in Culturally Diverse and Low-Resource Communities”, by direct invitation from the ‘Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities’.

For further information about any of the projects listed above, please contact the STARTTS Research Team (

Selected publications

Pearl Fernandes, Paul Rhodes, Niels Buus.(2024): Assisting refugee survivors of torture and trauma: An existential perspective. Journal of Traumatic Stress.

Aroche, J., & Coello, M. (2022). Towards a systemic approach for the treatment and rehabilitation of torture and trauma survivors: The experience of STARTTS in Australia. Torture Journal, 32(1-2), 133–143.

Dew Angela; Lenette, C; Wells, R; Higgins, M; McMahon, T; Coello, M; et al. (2022): ‘In the beginning it was difficult but things got easier’: Service use experiences of family members of people with disability from Iraqi and Syrian refugee backgrounds. Deakin University. Journal contribution.

Vindbjerg E., , Sonne , C. , Silove, D., Bibby, H., Hall, J., Momartin, S., Coello, M., Aroche, J., Petrie S., Brady, K., Kean, Jessica Carlsson J. (2022). Evaluating the procedural validity of the multilingual computer assisted self interview (MultiCASI) in a refugee population, Psychiatry Research. Volume 312, June 2022, 114529

Fernandes, Pearl, Buus, Niels & Rhodes, Paul (2022) Vicarious Impacts of Working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers: An Integrative Review, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2022.2049949

Dew, A., Lenette, C., Smith, L., Boydell, K., Bibby, H., Lappin, J., Coello, M., Raman, S., K., Wells, R., Momartin, S., Blunden, H., Higgins, M., Murad, M., Barry, J., Yassir, M. (2021). ‘To the Arabic Community Disability Is Not Normal’: Multiple Stakeholder Perceptions of the Understandings of Disability among Iraqi and Syrian People from Refugee Backgrounds. Journal of Refugee Studies. Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 2849–2870.

Bartlett, R., Sarnyai, Z., Momartin, S., Ooi, L., Schwab, S. G., & Matosin, N. (2021). Understanding the pathology of psychiatric disorders in refugees. Psychiatry Research, volume 296. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113661

Fernandes P., Aiello Y., and Pittaway E. (2020). Jungle Tracks: Unleashing the power of stories to heal from refugee trauma. Children Australia 45: 117–124.

Momartin, S., Miranda, E. D., Aroche, J., Naguran, A., Emmadi, A. & Coello, M. (2019). STARTTS Capoeira Angola Project Bantu: Combining alternative therapeutic intervention with sport for traumatized young refugees: on the way to recovery. Commentary. Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1(1):15-17.

Savage, J., Momartin, S., Bowles, R. & Coello, M. (2019). An Exploration of Traumatic Grief within the context of continuing trauma: A Case Study. Australian Journal of Counselling.

Momartin, S., McGrath, K. F., Coello, M., Nemorin, S., Da Silva Miranda, E. & Bibby, H. (2019). STARTTS in schools: Integrating evaluation and practice to support students from refugee backgrounds. Developing Practice: Issue 53.

Fernandes, P., & Aiello, Y. (2019). From echoes of silence to whispers of hope: A journey with survivors of sexual violence. Torture Journal, 29(2), 81-89.

Fernandes, P., & Aiello, Y. (2018). Breaking the silence through MANTRA: Empowering Tamil MAN survivors of torture and rape. Torture Journal, 28(3), 14-29.

Momartin, S., Miranda, E., Aroche, J., & Coello, M. (2018). Resilience building through alternative intervention: STARTTS “Project Bantu Capoeira Angola”; On the road to recovery. Intervention .

Tu, C (2018). Global refugee crisis: A Health Information Manager perspective. HIM Interachange, 8(1), 27-31.

Askovic, M., Watters, A. J., Aroche, J., & Harris, A. W. F. (2017). Neurofeedback as an adjunct therapy for treatment of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder related to refugee trauma and torture experiences: Two case studies. Australasian Psychiatry, 25(4), 358–363. doi:10.1177/1039856217715988

Signorelli, R. G., Gluckman, N. S., Hassan, N., Coello, M., & Momartin, S. (2017). Relationship building, collaboration and flexible service delivery: The path to engagement of refugee families and communities in early childhood trauma recovery services. Children Australia, 42(3), 142–158. doi:10.1017/cha.2017.30

Signorelli, R. G., Coello, M., & Momartin, S. (2015). Change and recovery: Culturally appropriate early childhood programmes with refugee families and communities. Children Australia, 40(03), 195–204. doi:10.1017/cha.2015.29

May, S., Rapee, R. M., Coello, M., Momartin, S., & Aroche, J. (2013). Mental health literacy among refugee communities: Differences between the Australian lay public and the Iraqi and Sudanese refugee communities. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49(5), 757–769. doi:10.1007/s00127-013-0793-9

Momartin. S. (2012). Is ‘complicated grief’ a viable new diagnosis in DSM-5? Psychotherapy in Australia, 18(4), 53-54.

Steel, Z., Momartin, S., Silove, D., Coello, M., Aroche, J., & Tay, K. W. (2011). Two year psychosocial and mental health outcomes for refugees subjected to restrictive or supportive immigration policies. Social Science and Medicine, 72(7), 1149–1156. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.02.007

Gale, F., Bolzan, N., & Momartin, S. (2010). Transit to connection: Aspirations and identities of asylum seeking young people. Women in Welfare Education, 9, 28-39.

Newman, L., Lightfoot, T., Singleton, G., Aroche, J., Yong, C.-S., Eagar, S., … Whittaker, M. (2010). Mental illness in Australian immigration detention centres. The Lancet, 375(9723), 1344–1345. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(10)60571-5

Silove, D., Momartin, S., Marnane, C., Steel, Z., Manicavasagar, V.  (2010). Adult separation anxiety disorder among war-affected Bosnian refugees: Comorbidity with PTSD and associations with dimensions of trauma. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23(1), 169–172. doi: 10.1002/jts.20490

Aroche, J., Tukelija, S., & Askovic, M. (2009). Neurofeedback in work with refugee trauma: Rebuilding fragile foundations. Biofeedback, 37(2), 53–55. doi:10.5298/1081-5937-37.2.53

Askovic, M., & Gould, D. (2009). Integration of neurofeedback in the therapeutic work with torture and trauma survivors: A case study. Biofeedback, 37(2), 56–62. doi:10.5298/1081-5937-37.2.56

Guoping, H., Yalin, Z., Yuping, C., Momartin, S., & Ming, W. (2009). Relationship between recent life events, social supports, and attitudes to domestic violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25(5), 863–876. doi:10.1177/0886260509336959

Huang, G., Zhang, Y., Momartin, S., Huang, X., & Zhao, L. (2008). Child sexual abuse, coping strategies and lifetime posttraumatic stress disorder among female inmates. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 4(1), 54–63. doi:10.1080/17449200701875840

Steel, Z., Silove, D., Brooks, R., Momartin, S., Alzuhairi, B., and Susljik. I (2006). Impact of immigration detention and temporary protection on the mental health of refugees, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 188(1), 58-64. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.104.007864

Bowles , R. (2006). Supervising bicultural counsellors in their work with traumatised refugees, Psychotherapy in Australia, 12(3), 17-18.

Huang, G., Zhang, Y., Momartin, S., Cao, Y., & Zhao, L. (2006). Prevalence and characteristics of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in female prisoners in China. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47(1), 20–29. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2005.04.004

Momartin, S., & Coello, M. (2006). Self-harming behaviour and dissociation in complex PTSD: Case study of a male tortured refugee. Torture: quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 16(1), 20-29.

Momartin, S., Steel, Z., Coello, M., Aroche, J., Silove, D. M., Brooks, R. (2006). A comparison of the mental health of refugees with temporary versus permanent protection visas. The Medical Journal of Australia. 185(7), 357-361.

Steel, Z., Silove, D., Brooks, R., Momartin, S., Alzuhairi, B., & Susljik, I. (2006). Impact of immigration detention and temporary protection on the mental health of refugees. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 188(1), 58–64. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.104.007864

Silove, D., Manicavasagar, V., Mariano Coello, M., & Aroche, J. (2005). PTSD, depression and acculturation. Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 3(1), 46-50.

Ekblad, S., Manicavasagar, V., Silove, D., Bäärnhielm, S., Reczycki, M., Mollica, R., & Coello, M. (2004). The use of international videoconferencing as a strategy for teaching medical                students about transcultural psychiatry. Transcultural Psychiatry, 41(1), 120–129. doi:10.1177/1363461504041357

Mehraby, N. (2003). Psychotherapy with Islamic clients facing loss and grief. Psychotherapy in Australia, 9(2), 30-34.

Momartin S, , Manicavasagar V, Steel Z. (2003). Dimensions of trauma associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caseness, severity and functional impairment: A study of Bosnian refugees resettled in Australia. Social Science and Medicine, 57(5), 775-81. doi: 10.1016/s0277-9536(02)00452-5

Mehraby, N. (2002). Unaccompanied child refugees: A group experience. Psychotherapy in Australia, 8(4), 30-35.

Momartin, S., Silove, D., Manicavasagar, V., & Steel, Z. (2002). Range and dimensions of trauma experienced by Bosnian refugees resettled in Australia. Australian Psychologist, 37(2), 149–155. doi:10.1080/00050060210001706806

Silove, D., Coello, M., Tang, K., Aroche, J., Soares, M., Lingam, R., … Steel, Z. (2002). Towards a researcher-advocacy model for asylum seekers: A pilot study amongst East Timorese living in Australia. Transcultural Psychiatry, 39(4), 452–468. doi:10.1177/1363461502039004491

Nguyen, T., & Bowles, R. (1998). Counselling Vietnamese refugee survivors of trauma: Points of entry for developing trust and rapport. Australian Social Work, 51(2), 41–47. doi:10.1080/03124079808411217

Morris, P., Silove, D., Manicavasagar, V., Bowles, R., Cunningham, M., & Tarn, R. (1993). Variations in therapeutic interventions for Cambodian and Chilean refugee survivors of torture and trauma: A pilot study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 27(3), 429–435. doi:10.3109/00048679309075799

Silove, D., Tarn, R., Bowles, R., & Reid, J. (1991). Psychosocial needs of torture survivors. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 25(4), 481–490. doi:10.3109/00048679109064441

Reid, J., Silove, D., & Tarn, R. (1990). The development of the New South Wales Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS): The first year. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 24(4), 486–495. doi:10.3109/00048679009062904

Aroche, J., & Coello, M. (2016). Das komplexe Wechselspiel zwischen. Bindung, Kultur und Flüchtlingstrauma – eine Herausforderung für die klinische Praxis. In Bindung und Migration, Brisch, K.  (Ed). Klett-Cotta, Germany.

Aroche, Jorge, Coello, Mariano, Momartin, Shakeh. (2012) The search for solutions: Programs and interventions to facilitate resettlement and assist refugee families. In Refugees Worldwide, Segal, U. & Elliot, D. (Eds). Praeger Publishers Inc.

Aroche, J., Coello, M., Momartin,S.,. (2012). Culture, family and social networks: Ethno-cultural influences on recovery, reconnection and resettlement of refugee families. In Refugees Worldwide, Segal, U. & Elliot, D. (Eds). Praeger Publishers Inc.

Bowles, R. & Mehraby, N. (2007). Lost in Limbo: Cultural Dimensions in Psychotherapy and Supervision with a Temporary Protection Visa Holder from Afghanistan. In Voices of Trauma. Treating Survivors Across Cultures, Drozdek, B. & Wilson, J. P. (Eds), Springer Science and Business Media, New York, 295 – 320.

Mehraby, N. (2007). Loss and death in Islam.  In Spirited practices: Spirituality and the helping professions (Eds.) Gale F., Bolzan N. & McRae-McMahon D., Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW.

Bowles, R. (2005). Social Work with Refugee Survivors of Torture and Trauma.  In Social Work Fields of Practice, Alston, M. & McKinnon, J. (eds). Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, Australia, 249 – 267.

Aroche J., Coello, M. J. (2004). Ethno-cultural Considerations in the Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers. In Broken Spirits: The Treatment of Traumatized Asylum Seekers, Refugees, War and Torture Victims. Drozðek, B. &  Wilson, J. P. (Eds.). 53-80. Brunner-Routledge, New York.

Bowles, R. (2001). Social Work with Refugee Survivors of Torture and Trauma. In Social Work Fields of Practice, Alston, M. & McKinnon, (Eds.) Oxford University Press, Australia, 220 – 235.

Cunningham M., Silove D. (1993). Principles of Treatment and Service Development for Torture and Trauma Survivors. In Wilson J.P., & Raphael B. (eds) International Handbook of Traumatic Stress Syndromes. The Plenum Series on Stress and Coping. Springer, Boston, MA. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-2820-3_63

Becker, R., Haidary, Z., Kang, V., Mann, L., Nguyen, T., Phraxayavong, V., et aI. (1991). The two-practitioner model: Bicultural workers in a service for torture and trauma survivors. In Hosking. P. (Ed.), Hope after horror (138—156). Uniya, Melbourne, Vic.

Silove, D., Tarn, R., Bowles, R. and Reid, J. (1991). Psychotherapy for Survivors of Torture. In H. Minas (Ed) Psychotherapy for Survivors of Trauma, Cultural Values Mental Health, Melbourne, 171 – 193.

Becker, R. & Bowles, R. (2001). ‘Interpreters’ Experience of Working in a Triadic Psychotherapy Relationship with Survivors of Torture and Trauma: Some Thoughts on the Impact on Psychotherapy’ in Diversity and Mental Health in Challenging Times. (Monograph No 8 in series, ‘Culture and Mental Health, Current Issues in Transcultural Mental Health’) Raphael, B. and Malak, A (eds), Transcultural Mental Health Unit, Sydney, pp. 222 – 230.

Murdoch, S. (2017, September). The use of Neuromodulation Techniques in Treating Preschool Age Refugee Children. International Society for Health and Human Rights Conference. Novi Sad, Serbia.

Askovic, M., Watters, A., Coello, M., & Aroche, J. (2017, August). Use of EEG in Clinical Assessment, Treatment and Evaluation of Treatment Outcomes in Refugee Survivors of Torture and Trauma. Cultural Shift Conference: From Settlement to Belonging. Sydney, Australia.

Sonter, T., Stirlingm S., Coello, M., & Askovic, M. (2017, August). Working with Peripheral Biofeedback in the Treatment of Complex Refugee Trauma. Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia Conference. Canberra, Australia.

Aroche, J., Coello, M., Momartin, S., Downham, R., Iqbal, A., & Bibby, H. (2017, March). Development and Validation of a Computerised Self-Report Assessment Platform at STARTTS. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Askovic, M., Watters, A., Coello, M., & Aroche, J. (2017, March). Building an Evidence Based Practice: Use of Brain Imaging in Clinical Assessment and Evaluation of Treatment Outcomes. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Becker, R. (2017, March). Clinical Supervision: Managing Unbearable Projections. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Begg, D., Bibby, H., Ortega, T., Perez, D., Maharjan, K., & Coello, M. (2017, March). Yoga for Refugees Healing from Torture and Trauma: A Mixed Methods Evaluation. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Davis, M. (2017, March). Sporting Linx – Linking Leadership Potential. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Dukuly, M. (2017, March). Operationalising Asset Based Community Development Approach: A Case Study of the 2016 Liberian Annual Cultural and Independence Anniversary Celebration. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Harvey, T., Askovic, M., & Murdoch, S. (2017, March). The Use of Neurofeedback as a Clinical Intervention for Refugee Children and Adolescents. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Ishu, L. (2017, March). From Roots to Leaves – Tree of Life- Camp experience. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Ishu, L. (2017, March). Iraqi Youth Dance Project. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Martinez, R., & Perez, D. (2017, March). “In Shape” – A Lifestyle Modification Program. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Mehraby, N. (2017, March). Engaging and Negotiating with the World of Afghans: The Interface between Culture, Religion and Therapy. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Murdoch, S., & Askovic, M. (2017, March). The Use of TOVA Test in the Clinical Practice with Refugee Children. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Murdoch, S., & Askovic, M. (2017, March). The Use of the Neuromodulation Techniques in Treatment of Preschool age Children from Refugee Like Backgrounds. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Nemorin, S. (2017, March). Mainstreaming Mental Health into the Families in Cultural Transition Program. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Ninnis, J. (2017, March). Sharing some of the good things from the past: Lessons from developing an African communities fun day with African community leaders in a rural town. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

O’Sullivan, V. (2017, March). Physiotherapy to Heal the Pain of Trauma Stuck in the Body. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Parthipan, J. (2017, March). Performing for Healing or Healing for Performance – Mapping the Seemingly Competing Intersectionality of Healing Practices and Community Development Involving the Arts with Performance Outcomes in Relation to the Rigours of Theatre Performance.  The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Sanmuhanathan, N. (2017, March). Cross Cultural Assessment and Treatment of Psychological Trauma and PTSD: Western Conceptualisations and Eastern Experiences. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Signorelli, R. (2017, March). Complexities, challenges and joys of early childhood work with refugee families. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Tu, C. (2017, March). Clinical Information Systems: The Gadget that Turns Data into Evidence Based Decisions. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Askovic, M., Watters, A., Coello, M., & Aroche, J. (2016, December). Evidence and Innovation: Use of Electroencephalogram (EEG) in the Process of Assessment, Treatment and Evaluation of the Treatment Outcomes in Working with Refugee Survivors of Torture and Trauma. International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims Conference. Mexico City, Mexico.

Askovic, M., Watters, A., Coello, M., & Aroche, J. (2016, November). Building an Evidence Based Practice: Use of event related potentials (ERPs) in clinical assessment and evaluation of treatment outcomes. The Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Coello, M., Aroche, J. & Momartin, S.  (2016, March) An Alternative Intervention Programme for Traumatized Adolescent Refugees Settled in South Western Sydney. International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) 10th International Scientific Symposium – Delivering on the Promise of the Right to Rehabilitation. Mexico.

Coello, M., Aroche, J. & Momartin, S.  (2016, March) Multilingual Computer Assisted Self Interview (MultiCASI): An Innovative Approach in the Assessment of Traumatized Refugees Residing in Australia.  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) 10th International Scientific Symposium – Delivering on the Promise of the Right to Rehabilitation. Mexico.

Askovic, M., Watters, A., Coello, M., & Aroche, J. (2015, November). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in Treating PTSD and Associated Cognitive Deficits in Traumatised Adult Refugees. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. New Orleans, USA.

Askovic, M., Watters, A., Coello, M., & Aroche, J. (2015, November). Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in Improving the Treatment Outcomes for Adult Refugees with High Levels of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptomatology. International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Askovic, M., Coello, M., Aroche, J., Downham, R., & Kropotov, J. (2015, June). Attention and Cognitive Control Deficits in Adult Refugees Suffering from Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder. European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Lithuania.

Askovic, M. & Mayaud, L. (2014, September). Resting EEG Abnormalities in Traumatised Refugee Adults. International Pharmaco EEG-Society. Leipzig, Germany.

Askovic, M. & Stefanovic, S. (2014, May). Multimodal Approach to Trauma in Children Using EEG Assessment:  Integrating Neurofeedback Treatment and Sandplay Therapy. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Section of Psychotherapy Annual Conference: Evolving Landscapes in Mental Health. Perth, Australia.

Bowles, R. (2014, July). Some Political, Social and Cultural Dimensions in Thinking About Refugee Trauma. Some Ideas from Working for 25 Years at STARTTS. Paper presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development. Melbourne, Australia.

Askovic, M. & Mayaud, L. (2013, September). Resting EEG Alpha Abnormalities in Traumatised Refugee Adults. IPEG Conference, Leipzig, Germany.

Askovic, M. & Stefanovic, S. (2013, August). Neurofeedback Treatment and Sandplay Therapy in Children with Trauma: Multimodal approach using EEG assessment. Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists , Section of Psychotherapy Conference:  Not Waving but Drowning. Australia.

Askovic, M. (2013, March). ERP markers in a group of trauma victim refugees from Iraq. Brain, Mind and Memory Institute International Conference: Event Related Potentials as Biomarkers in the Clinical Assessment of Brain and Mind Health. Gold Coast, Australia.

Askovic, M. (2012, September). Neurofeedback and Psychotherapy for Complex PTSD. Applied Neuroscience Association of Australasia. Melbourne, Australia.

Bowles, R., Salem, M. & Preston-Thomas, C. (2004, October). Working with Refugees. A Resource Developed for Social Workers. Paper presented at Global Social Work. Adelaide, Australia.

Becker, R. & Bowles, R. (2001, May). When Three’s a Crowd. Ethical Considerations in the Practice of Psychotherapy with Traumatised Refugees When Working with an Interpreter. Paper presented at the Diversity in Health. Sharing Global Perspectives Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Becker, R. & Bowles, R. (2001, May). The Experience and Role of the Clinical Supervisor in Work with Torture and Trauma Survivors: Managing Deep Projections and an Unbearable Reality. Paper presented the Diversity in Health. Sharing Global Perspectives Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Aroche, J., & Coello, M. (1994, December). Toward a systemic approach for the treatment and rehabilitation of torture and trauma survivors in exile: The experience of STARTTS in Australia. Paper presented at the International Conference of Centres, Institutions and Individuals Concerned with Victims of Organized Violence. Tageytay, Philippines.

Bowles, R., Haidary, Z & Becker, R. (1995, November). Family Therapy with Survivors of Torture and Trauma : Issues for Women. Paper presented at the National Women’s Health Conference: Changing Society for Women’s Health. Canberra, Australia.

Bowles, R. & Haidary, Z. (1994, December). Narrative Family Therapy with Survivors of torture and Trauma. Paper presented at the International Conference of Centres, Institutions and Individuals Concerned with Victims of Organised Violence. Tagaytay, Philippines.

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