Links to Individual Articles
The Arab Spring – One Year On
Olga Yoldi
Easing the Transition
An interview with Dr Jose Quiroga by Olga Yoldi
International Experts Combat Gross Human-Rights Abuses
Janset Berzeg
Theatre of the Oppressed: Influencing Public Opinion through the Arts
An interview with Hector Aristizabal by Janset Berzeg
Heal Africa
Barbara Ferguson
Sierra Leone: Trapped in the Shadows of the Mind
An interview with Dr Edward Nahim by Olga Yoldi
Sunrise over South Sudan
Karishma Rao Erraballi
The Neuroscience of Education
An interview with Louis Cozolino by Mariano Coello and Max Schneider
Reality TV Stirs Emotions on Refugees
An interview with Ivan O’Mahoney by Richard Walker
Capoeira: Counselling in Motion
Richard Walker
Training at STARTTS
Belinda Green