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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Refugee Transitions

Issue 38 | July 2024

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Refugee Transitions - Issue 38 (July 2024)_Cover

Links to Individual Articles


Iran’s Endgame
Olga Yoldi


Social Media and the Erosion of Democracy
Colin Hickling

STARTTS in Schools
Lynn Malcolm

The Power of Sport in Rallying Communities Together
Shaun Nemorin

FASSTT Conference
Nicole Loehr

Humanitarian Awards
Daniela Aroche


The Neuroscience of Trauma and Ageing
Mariano Coello, Nooria Mehraby

Pioneering the Future of Trauma Recovery through Neurofeedback Innovation
Sejla Murdoch

Healing from adverse childhood experiences
Donna Jackson Nakazawa


Researching and Responding to Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Conflict and Displacement
Eileen Pittaway and Linda Bartolomei

Australian Fellowship Program
Daniela Aroche

New UN Guidelines on Ethical Interviewing
Olga Yoldi

Witness to war
Yassmen Yahya


My journey to activism
Kupakwashe Matangira

Teusner Wines
Daniela Aroche

Parliament on King
Daniela Aroche


20 Days in Mariupol

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