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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Sporting Linx program

Sporting Linx is an 8 week program run in high schools that uses sport to promote social connection, empowerment and leadership among refugee youth. STARTTS works closely with individual schools to customise the program to address the specific interests and needs of their refugee students.

Who is it for?

Sporting Linx targets both boys and girls from refugee backgrounds between the ages of 14-18 years who attend secondary or high school. The program has worked with refugee youth from Afghanistan, Burma, Iraq, Palestine, Somalia and Sri Lanka.

Sporting Linx changed me to become a better person and get along with other people. It has been great being with STARTTS staff and learning to become a better leader

How does it work?

Refugee students are trained weekly in their chosen sport by professional and elite sports coaches from various sporting associations such as the AFL Multicultural program, the Western Sydney Wanderers Football Club and Cricket NSW.

In addition they are provided with psychoeducation about the refugee experience, and encouraged to discuss relevant issues such as bullying and racism, fostering respect for themselves, sports psychology and achieving goals. School staff remain actively involved in the program.

The students grow in numerous ways. Not only are they becoming confident, they also develop resilience by learning to curb negative emotions, express their concerns and worries, and create positive bonds.

Request Sporting Linx for your school

High schools that have identified a need to provide further support to their refugee students can be referred to the Sporting Linx program. Please contact the Youth Team Leader, Lina Ishu, on 9646 6666 or by email.

Sporting Linx was established by STARTTS in 2012 and is funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services.

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