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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

COVID-19 and STARTTS Training Program

Dear Supporters, Given the current circumstances with the COVID-19/ coronavirus pandemic and the need for social distancing to limit the spread of the virus to protect all of us, STARTTS is currently not providing face-to-face training. This means that the…


Statement regarding the settlement of refugees in Australia

Paris Aristotle AM, CEO of the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture, recently released a statement about the settlement of refugees in Australia. It highlighted the substantial economic and social contribution people from refugee backgrounds have made to Australia. In…


STARTTS presents at Recharge Conference

The ‘Recharge Conference’, organised by Y Foundations and held on August 7th, was a chance to re-energise the conversation on youth homelessness. The two day program included presentations from nationwide peak services and agencies involved in working with vulnerable youth affected by homelessness. STARTTS’ Training Officer, Belinda Green was invited to speak about the needs and experiences of refugee young people.

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