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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Managing Vicarious Trauma in Organisations Effectively

Managing Vicarious Trauma in Organisations Effectively

What is Vicarious Trauma? Working in helping professions can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with significant challenges. Constant exposure to traumatic experiences can take a toll on employees, leading to burnout and compassion fatigue. These psychological responses, collectively…


Understanding Vicarious Trauma and How to Manage It

Understanding Vicarious Trauma and How to Manage It

Working in helping professions can be incredibly rewarding. You get the chance to make a real difference in people's lives by offering support and guidance through difficult times. However, constant exposure to trauma can take its toll. This is where…


Understanding Refugee Trauma and Recovery: A Guide

In today's world, millions of individuals are forcibly displaced from their homes due to conflict, persecution, and other forms of violence. This global refugee crisis demands our attention and understanding. Let's explore various aspects of refugee experiences, trauma, recovery, and…

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