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NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Mechanisms Underpinning the Maintenance of PTSD: Influence of Culture on Current Understandings and Treatment

Held on 24 July 2024


This essential Clinical Master Class will give you a framework and practical tips for the clinical treatment of PTSD in culturally diverse populations. It will highlight the many factors that contribute to developing and maintaining PTSD amongst refugees including nature of their trauma, culture, understanding and conceptualisation of their experiences, the sociopolitical environment, collective culture as well as expressions of grief and trauma.

From Dr Laura Jobson, an Associate Professor at Monash University, you will learn about the mechanisms underpinning the maintenance of PTSD including the influence of cultural beliefs. She will explain the importance of culturally tailored psychological interventions in improving treatment outcomes.

Jeanette Ninnis, a STARTTS Clinical Social Worker, will present a real-life complex case study of a Yazidi woman who survived the attempted genocide of the Yazidis by ISIS in Iraq. The woman’s debilitating PTSD that continued after resettlement and were due a number of contributing factors including cultural beliefs, were greatly reduced through culturally appropriate trauma treatment.

You will be able to engage with A/Prof Laura Jobson and Jeanette Ninnis via a live Q&A panel discussion facilitated by STARTTS’ CEO and Clinical Psychologist, Jorge Aroche. You will come away with many tools to assist your clients from diverse cultural backgrounds heal from complex PTSD.


Dr Laura Jobson

Dr Jobson leads the Culture, Trauma and Mental Health Research Group at the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health. Dr Jobson’s research has investigated the role of instrumental psychological processes, specifically, autobiographical memory, appraisals and the self, in the development and maintenance of PTSD and depression. In particular, her research has addressed a major limitation associated with cognitive models and treatments of these disorders; namely, that they have been developed based on Western cultural norms and values. Her research explores the influence of culture on current understandings and treatment of trauma and mental health. This research involves working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia and cross-country research with collaborators in Malaysia, Iran, Afghanistan and China.

Jeanette Ninnis

Jeanette Ninnis is a Clinical Social Worker who works as a STARTTS Counsellor/Project Officer in Wagga Wagga. She provides torture and trauma counselling to people across the lifespan from many different refugee communities in regional areas of NSW. Jeanette also teaches social work at Charles Sturt University, regularly provides training, and has presented at national and international conferences. Her Master of Social Work Advanced Practice dissertation outlined a cross-cultural trauma counselling model that highlighted that wellbeing comes from the intersecting of worldview strengths, cultural recovery knowledges, Western counselling knowledges and attention to structural power and disadvantage.

Jorge Aroche

Jorge Aroche is a clinical psychologist and STARTTS’ Chief Executive Officer. Jorge was born in Uruguay and has worked with migrants and refugee survivors of torture and organized violence since before 1989, when he joined STARTTS.  He has led the organization since March 1997, through some of the most challenging times for refugee services in Australia, helping STARTTS grow from a dozen staff to more than 200, assuming a truly state-wide role and becoming a world leader in this field in the process, while continuing to learn from its clients, its culturally diverse staff and the latest scientific advances. Jorge has also held a number of honorary positions in international humanitarian organizations, Australia government advisory bodies and NGO boards. He was the President of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) from 2016 until November 2020.


CPD points – 1.5 CPD hours
This webinar adheres to the continuing professional development standards of most professional bodies. Please check the CPD policy of your professional body.

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